Title & Ref.No: Repairing of depressed paver block road with replacing damage hume pipe on the road and laying s/h paver block over concrete road to prevent stagnation of water during rainy season..26-April-2018
Tender Category: Infrastructure and Civic Facilities Division
Tender Date: 05-Apr-2018 17:30:00
Bid Open Date: 26-Apr-2018 15:30:00
Tender File: Click To See...Image, 22 KB
Tender Details:

E Tender for Repairing of depressed paver block road with replacing damage hume pipe near weigh bridge on the
road running through Hindustan gate and laying s/h paver block over concrete road to prevent stagnation of water
during rainy season near Tisco level crossing, G.C. Berth at Haldia, HDC.

E-Tender No:-KoPT/Haldia Dock Complex/I&CF Div/1/18-19/ET/8